Last weekend, I did my first virgin Electric Run in Selangor Turf all thanks to Shell Malaysia for the invitation! Shell Malaysia aims to provide a platform for their customers to pursue their passion, which is why they partnered with Livescape Group for this inaugural Electric Run 2015. This fun run enable us to spend time with our loved one against a fantastic background of light & sound...where fun memories can be created :)
Being a Malaysian kiasu girl...I went early to check out some booths... and managed to redeem some cool goodies from Shell! Hehe :D
Because this is a night run, participants are encourage to dress in neon. And we are given some glow body paints and glow sticks to lit up ourselves brightly!
I also kiasu.. put on my glowing accessories for the Electric Run :D
I asked my bf to draw some creative drawing on my face with the glowing paint ... end up he drew 3 lines..#toocreativeuntilIcannotunderstand
But I still lose to this electric man lol
Before the run starts, we had a warm up session. Very unusual but fun one... insteady of usual stretching ...we are partying ...jumping and grooving ... haha so happening already... so much fun! And in fact we have 10,000 pariciaonts from all walks of life running, walking and dancing across an electrifying 5km course to break the Malaysian Book of Records to grab the title "Largest Participation in a Neon Run".
The first 1km run
walk was pretty breezy.. and was happy when I see a Shell Station because I can take a mini break and take picture.. haha!
It's the same feeling when I go for long distance ride at highway and finally I saw a Shell station to refuel our petrol, buy freshly cooked snack at deligo to fill up our tummy and to go to the much needed toilet break to refresh ourselves.
Speaking of that when I visited the petrol station last month, a staff greeted at me with this pose by surprise ...and said "Welcome to Shell"... so heartwarming and welcoming! It's like how we visited our friend's house and they greeted us "Welcome to my home" that and we feel that we are received with open arms..
I read that Welcome to Shell is a promise to deliver outstanding service quality and enhance offering to their customers all over Malaysia. By refining the customer service at Shell station, they aim to make customers to feel at home and at ease from stress of their travels. Although this are very simple word but it's very powerful and heartwarming.
Great job Shell!
Can you guess what kind of business they are talking about here ? Hehehe... big & small business in the toilet bowl lol... I like those cheeky message left by Shell.. #Iseewhatyoudoingthere
I like how the running track are properly lighted like the highway!
Out of so many courseland offered in the Electric Run 2015, this is my favourite one... we are transported to an aquatic paradise decorated with brightly lit, giant marine life at Under The Sea! For a moment I thought I'm a mermaid lol...
Yay finally I met a nemo!!!
I was very happy when I found a SHELL...but sad cos didn't manage to find any pearl >.< Or i will make into an earring to do giveaway here lol!
This Electric Run Malaysia 2015 presented by Shell FuelSave is a very nice 5km fun run... because.. the running track was decorated creatively with lots of neon light... . and I took opportunity to take a lot of pictures to hare with you guys here!
Actually after 4km of run/walk/taking pictures... haha I was tired lol....
Suddenly was motivated because I saw some oversize light up cotton candy, ice cream, popcorn, cupcakes in Candy Land.. giving us some imaginary satisfaction to our sweet tooth.... motivate us to finish the line and grab those food!!
Finally hor... I finished my first 5km..must take a picture to proof lol!
Finally lap before the finishing line... we passed by PowerHouse Oil Refinery!
Finally I made it! I had a good time dating with my bf in this Elelctic run and spotted a lot of interesting things along the route.
Although 5km run sounds easy for a lot of people hor but not for beginners like me...And in fact I found out that running and driving is pretty similar and I would like to share are tips with you all (and to remind myself) so that we can travel further efficiently.
5 Ways to help you go further efficiently

1) Since this is my first time participating in the night run, I was very anxious and not sure what to bring... I thought I will just bring these above stuffs that I prepared the night before. But in actual fact on that morning, I was over excited and over packed my bags lah..didn't carefully consider the weight issue of the bag. I brought my Kate Spade Wallet along which was heavy (should have took some some card & cash and put in card wallet instead), brought a cap but then it's a night run.. ahhaha dont know why I brought that lah! Honestly my shoulder still feel sore till now lo.. I almost want to bring a torch light along thinking that I need to lit up my route during the run until I went to double checked this run is properly lit with neon lights!
Which means the more weight you carry, the more energy you need to burn to keep going. Just like car, if our car boot is full with stuffs, the car engine will burned more petrol.. not so cost efficient lo!
2) I was advice by my hardcore running friend that the most important things that one should wear the right shoes for running so that to protect them from injuring.
I was glad I wore my pink Sketchers Go Run shoes because it's very comfortable, light and provide good grip on the road. I used to wear sneaker and walking shoes to go for a short run and seriously after a while I feel my feet is painful and it's too heavy to run in it. In the same way choosing the right tyres and making sure they're inflated with right pressure so that to keep your journey safe & enjoyable.
3) I was supposed to eat energy food before the run a few hours before that to let the food digest etc. But I very smart I went to have vegetable curry just 2-3 hours before the run and making my tummy feeling uncomfortable. #noexperiencerunner #failrunner
Same goes to the car, a well oiled machine needs the right kind of energy to last the long run.. One can use Shell Helix to keep their car running under optimum conditions.
I wish I could drink fuel so can go further! #macamyestapibukan #eventprops
4) Off all things, we need to refuel our body with water... to keep body hydrated at all times, specially at hazy time like this! Remember to avoid soft drinks, coffee and tea and opt for water because that's the right liquid we need to replenish loss of water during running.
Do you know also that using the correct fuel can help your car to perform go further? During bad economy like this, we need to be smart consumer already... better fuel your car with Shell FuelSave which cover more miles on a full tanks... more saving, longer miles yo!
5) I was told if I keep training I will build up my stamina to run further.
So I need to do more exericise to build my stamina and make sure my heart is strong to pump blood to all over my body! And for your car make sure you do your regular engine car maintenance such as engine tune-ups and oil changes to ensure the engine last longer after all the heart of a car is the engine.
Nevertheless .... I was proud because I managed to get my first Electic Run 2015 finisher medal! I was given a free ice cream at the finisher line to reward myself.. *happykidmode*
Also I am very happy cos do not need to apply 1kg of UV protector before running... hahaha or else I will probably slap few bottles of UV protector alrdy! Love the feeling of cool wind slapping on my face running at night...instead of running under the hot sun!
P/s: Lucky this is a fun run where the timing given to finish the race was much more longer... or else confirm no finisher medal to take already... haha!
For more information about Electric Run, visit or follow them at their twitter & instagram @electricrunmy.
To learn more about running (and driving) efficiently with Shell FuelSav, please visit